Dry Goods
You can prep with what you have economically. Most homes have rice, sugar, beans, corn meal, oats, and salt. Storing dry goods is easy. Using recycled jars from other goods like pasta sauce jars, jellies, coffee, or pickles. Wash them and dry thoroughly. Re-cycling glass containers are a cost free way to ensure longer shelf life. TIP 1: place your dry goods in the freezer for a few days before placing them in containers this will lessen the chance for weevils and insects. TIP 2 Did you know dried bay leaf's help keep insects away. By adding a few dried bay leaf's in each container this can help keep insects and weevils at bay. The glass helps with rodents like mice.

What are dry goods?
if stored properly can last indefinitely in a cool dry dark place
(White Rice)
NOT brown rice this has a short shelf life.
dry oats can be stored a long time if stored properly in a cool dry dark place
if stored properly can last indefinitely in a cool dry dark place (never add oxygen absorbers this will turn the sugar into a hard block)
if stored properly can last a very long time in a cool dry dark place
Wheat Berries (Flour)
if stored properly can last a very long time in a cool dry dark place
if stored properly can last indefinitely in a cool dry dark place
if stored properly can last a very long time in a cool dry dark place
corn kernels can last indefinitely is stored in a dry cool place (never add oxygen absorbers the kernel needs the moisture to pop)
Corn Meal
if stored properly it can last a long time in a cool dry dark place