Clothing and hygiene was different during those times as well. The average person would not bathe weeks, months or just 1/2 times a year. Which did not help with illness and disease.
The clothing of the average family or working person was made for functionality. It would serve for warmth during the cold but not comfort or fashion. The outer layer of clothing would be made of wool (typically itchy) underneath the linen would help with the scratchiness of the wool. The linen fabric would serve as a layering piece as well. Most of the time these where not washed or removed for extended periods of time. It was said they believe the smoke/peat from fires would act as a deodorizer for clothing worn. So, it would not be surprising if most smelled of smokey clothing and body odor.
Coats consisted of wool and animal skins. Hoods and smaller interior hats of linen would keep the head and body warm. Coats/Capes where typically made of wool and animal skins. Hunters would have leather (animal skin) pants and jackets that would be worn during all kinds of seasons. These would keep skin dry from snow and rain. They also wore mittens during those times made of leather or wool.