Thursday, November 29, 2018

1 Month Up-Cycle Challenge Clothing, Accessories, and Home

Recently, I have been going through my home donating many bags of toys, clothes, and household items. However, I chose to keep certain pieces I felt that I could improve upon to keep in my wardrobe. I am challenging myself to Up-Cycle these pieces so I can continue to enjoy them in a new way. 

They have a lot of great You-Tube videos and Pinterest ideas on this. I am a beginner so I will aim for simple changes and work my way up. I enjoy looking at the creativity and thought process of others. They create pieces and styles I would not have thought of myself. Remember there is no right or wrong in this challenge. Everyone has a unique style and this will allow you to express yourself via Couture (Unique HandMade).  I will be sharing a video on my channel about his challenge and sharing some of the pieces I would like to change. 

Up-Cycling is not new. Many countries use this method in their everyday lives. They use every scrap of fabric/material notions in their possession. Nothing goes to waste. They use materials for not only clothing, coats, hats, gloves, scarves but also home (Curtains, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Table Cloths, Room Dividers, and dish towels). Some even make shoes.

We have becoming a consuming country with a throw away mentality. If something breaks just throw it away and get a new one. If a shoe needs a new heel or sole just toss it. When was your last visit to a Shoe Repair/Cobbler. Do you even know where one is located in your area? They are now far and few to be found. 

Where did all the Hat Makers and Glove Makers go? Hat/Glove Stores were women and men would shop for unique or a simple daily wear. This would be a place where customers would talk to each other and catch up while shopping. Women and Men alike would not have a complete outfit without a Hat and gloves. No matter your station or place in life.

We are swimming in the ocean of mass production in a daze. When the tides turn economically a lot of us will be drowning in the confused state of how to survive with what we have with no skill to create, mend, re-use, and re-create. I ask you to join me on the personal challenge and try your hand changing or updating a piece of clothing, jewelry, or home item. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

M&M Marbled Biscotti Recipe

This was one of my Thrift Store finds. This recipe card indicates a baking time of 35 minutes makes 24 pieces and is freezer friendly. How great is that!! Under Tips on the bottom right hand corner how to get the best results in the freezer.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving Dinner for 1 Please

The Holiday Season can be a difficult for those who have lost loved ones or not near family or friends.

Dinner for 1 Please. I truly believe that we can create our own joy and happiness in simple ways.  Nor worries you can enjoy this Holiday for 1! Think of the things you enjoy this could be the Hallmark Channel, Crafting, Woodworking, Sewing, Scrap Booking, Reading, Puzzles, Journaling, Bible Study, Drawing, Painting, Planning, Cooking, or looking at Photo Albums the list goes on and on.

Decide to do 1 or 2 activities that bring you joy and a therapeutic calm. I know when I hand sew or work on Dollhouse Miniatures this brings me to a serene place. Taking a walk outside does this as well. Reach out and wish family and friends a quick Happy Thanksgiving! Pamper yourself today with hand treatment or mask at home. Where your comfy clothes and cozy socks. Embrace this time with joy. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends here and remember to reach out to those that are home bound, shut-ins, senior citizens and anyone alike that may be alone this time of year! Lets love one another year round not just on Holiday's.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Winter Home Preparation and Car Kit List

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and it will be the coldest one since 1996 in Maryland. The arctic cold air from Canada will sweep in and leave our area struggling with frigid temperatures and wind chills in teens and 20's. This is a nudge from mother nature of how chilly our weather will be in the coming months. I hope all have taken out their winter items here is a list t help get your home ready:

1. Winter Clothes: sweaters, scarves, warm socks, layering shirts, warm pants
2. Winter Coats, hats, gloves/mittens/scarves/ear muffs
3. Winter Warm Shoes: any kind 
4. Winter Car Kit (see below separate paragraph)
5. Home window treatments curtains lined flannel, plastic window treatments (Dollar Tree),caulking (Dollar Tree), carpeting on cold floors
6. Blankets: comforters, throws (around the home for extra warmth), warm flannel bedding or fleece.
7. Room dividers for home that are older/chilly a common practice is to use curtains on the door entry ways to keep the chill out from the main home (by closing out unused or colder rooms). This does help. 
8. Fireplace/wood stove or back up heat source if your blessed to have one of these have enough wood/propane to carry your family through a tough season of cold harsh weather. (We don't have either in our rental)
9. Home Slippers or thick socks to keep the chill away while in the home
10. Sweaters or Cardigans for the home solely that you can leave on a go to place to keep the chill away. Great for the entire family and keeps illness/colds at bay. Its better to take off layers.
11. Humidifier Cool Mist: we have them in our bedrooms to help keep the air with a touch of moisture this helps keeping colds at bay as well. These must be cleaned every few days or 1 time a week.
12. Having your pantry fully stocked at all times so if there is a winter storm you don't have to make a store run.
a. Water, coffee, juices, ciders, teas, cocoa's
b. Food, soups, pastas, rice, beans, veggies, fruit, canned foods
c. Toilet paper, paper plates, plastic utensils, tissues, napkins, paper towels
d. cleaning supplies
13. Medicine: anything your family normally use:
cough and cold
fever reducer
diarrhea/fiber/anti acid
head ache/pain
sore throat lozenges
thermometer (they have these at the dollar tree)
first aid/ace bandages for sprains.
herbal tinctures (if you make them yourself)
women's personal care (pads, tampons, treatments Yeast Infections Azo Cranberry Pills for Urinary Tract Infections etc) 
diapers for families with younger ones
baby wipes for body 
14. Keep a full tank of Gas at all times whenever you can if you need to leave/evacuate you can quickly

Winter Car Kit: Blankets, Warm Hands, Extra Hats/Gloves (Dollar Tree),Water, Food, Extra Warm Clothes, Boots for walking, Medicine/First Aid Kit, Portable Urine Container, Winter Blend Windshield Wiper Fluid, Windshield Snow Remover, Flat Tire Repair Can, Jumper Cables, Playing Cards, A few entertainment items if your stuck for hours in your vehicle.

If you have extra money for the car kits: a battery jumper 

I know this list is not complete if you want to leave any suggestions please leave them below in the comment section. I hope this helps someone.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Making Your Home Your Haven

Making your home a Haven. This can be done little by little.

1. Cleanliness
2. Organization
3. Decluttering when feeling overwhelmed
    a. donating
    b. giving to family/friends/neighbors
    c. selling your unwanted or used items on ebay/poshmark/yard sale/church etc..
4. A home that smells good either by cooking, fragrance, or cleanliness (love the smell of Pine Sol in a home). 
5. Changing your home decor on a budget
    a. Thrift Stores
    b. yard sales/church sales
    c. create a swap party where family/friends can bring 10 items or more they no longer use or want everyone gets to swap for things they may need. Everyone wins. You can even do them by theme ex: Christmas, Autumn, Halloween, Clothes/Accessories, Home Decor/textiles, Crafting, the themes can be limitless.

These 5 Simple Steps begin the journey to making your home a Haven. This has been a journey of sorts for me. I have been donating alot.  I slowly chip away at it each day going room by room and getting myself together. Setting up bags for donation and putting items for other times/seasons away. 

First Step is to Start!