Augason Farm extended shelf life Foods
As a beginner prepper and homemaker. I see alot of disturbing events taking place in America. I've seen the catastrophic fires in California, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Earth Quakes, and civil unrest. Currently our stock market has been down by numbers never seen before since 2008. Markets in other countries dropping low as well. Families still struggling making ends meet when the gas prices are creeping higher each week. Currently in our area $2.60 a gallon or more. Food prices that swelled in previous years because of events that effected the delivery or changes at ports that simply never came back down. Food packaging deceiving customers with larger boxes, bags, and only a quarter of product inside. Recipes changing for companies to save money and our old time favorites no longer taste the same. New and higher taxes for imports from other countries which in turn we pay for at the check out. Many countries pulling away from the U.S. Dollar and creating their own gold backed currency. This is not good for America. So many things happening that affect the average consumer. These times in our lives as a family of 6 at home I worry and fret. So, I have taken action to make sure that we will be freed from uncertainty. I am assuring that my family will have water, food, clothing, and medicine. As I have previously mentioned we are renters and at the mercy of homeowners/investor's. I hope that one day we will have our own home to cultivate new memories, grow our own food, and leave a legacy for our children. I honestly feel we are in time of judgement. It is important to live righteously, honestly, and simply. When a weather event, illness, job loss, or loss of life occurs your foresight in prepping will be a blessing. Your investment in your family will free you and allow your money to last a bit longer because of your foresight. Many countries with collapsed economies, rough winter seasons, and certain religious groups are preppers. I urge you all to take the simple steps to buy a few more cans of food, water, and medicines when your able to. Also be diligent use coupons, ibotta, and other apps, coupons printables to save money whenever possible. I personally buy name brand medicines from the Dollar Tree when I find them. I buy much of our clothing in the thrift stores. I get hand me downs for my boys from my sister. In turn I donate to keep the wheels turning. I think of simple ways to make things better now. I am reading more on certain subjects to prepare myself spiritually and effective alternatives for life's unpredictability. So, as you can see I could go on forever on this subject. I feel you get the point. So, I will end it here my friends with (gentle smiles). I pray this message reaches your heart and small changes begin.
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