Sunday, May 8, 2022

Baby Formula Alternatives During This Shortage

Baby formula was created by Justes von Liebig in 1867. The need was sought out after a high baby mortality rate and a large variety of health issues for the infants arose. 

Did you know between the 16th and 18th century babies often were given bread soaked in water, cows milk, and sugared water. Some were given cooked cereal in bone broth. For the families in better financial position they may have hired a wet nurse. 

The history of infant breast feeding is very interesting. Example: Lactation failure is mentioned in the earliest medical encyclopedia, The Papyrus Ebers, which came from Egypt (1550 BC) and contains a small pediatric section that includes a prescription for lactation failure, as follows:
To get a supply of milk in a woman's breast for suckling a child: Warm the bones of a sword fish in oil and rub her back with it. Or: Let the woman sit cross-legged and eat fragrant bread of soused durra, while rubbing the parts with the poppy plant. (, p. 154)

The list below has it's pro's and con's and should be discussed with your child's doctor for the best choice. Ask if some kind of vitamin supplement should be considered. Lastly, if your child is prone to constipation make note to the doctor that condition and any other. 

Choice's: Breast Milk is Best but when it's not possible for many different reasons. There are choices. 

1.Cow's Milk

2. Rice Milk

3. Coconut Milk

4. Goat Milk

5. Almond Milk

6. Oat Milk

7. Carnation condensed Milk with 2 tsp of Karo (get unsweetened condensed milk)

8. There are women that are breast feeding and have an over flow of breast milk willing to store/refrigerate for mothers that cannot breast feed. 

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